The goal of the Buckeye Hackers is to promote tech and hacker culture here at THE Ohio State University. We strive to achieve this goal by connecting hackers in our Slack team , holding weekly meetings to encouage colaboration and sharing of knowledge, as well as helping organize hackathon participation.
Meetings are held every Monday at 7pm, and usually in the basement of the 18th Ave Library Room 070. Any room changes will be posted in Slack as well as in the weekly newsletter . We typically only meet on days where classes are held, but may also meet on holidays if members are interrested.

Meetings can either be work days where members are encouraged to work together on projects, or tech talks where members/companies come in to talk about cool tech and how to use it -- usually with an emphasis on hackathon use.
Hackathons are 24-36 hour events where teams of up to 4 hackers get together to build a project from the ground up. This can be anything hardware/software/beyond, but software is most common because of how accessable it is.

At the end of the event, teams can submit their project for judging for a chance to win some pretty cool prizes!